Friday, March 30

Vision: Day 6

Devotion by: Greg Maxwell

Romans 8:24-25

For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. Saint Paul writes to the Romans about how our salvation is tied to our past, present, and future. It is past because we were saved at the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior. Our everlasting and eternal life began at that moment. In the present, we are being saved because we put our trust and faith in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We confess our sins and share in Communion to receive salvation and forgiveness of our sins. Our salvation is in the future because we have not yet received all the blessings that will be ours when we join the heavenly host in the paradise that God has prepared for us. While we can be confident in our salvation, we look forward with hope to what lies ahead beyond our time on earth. Because of our faith, Christians have hope for a better life to come as well as the patience to work toward a better life for all here on Earth.

Here at Christ the King, we have begun to see our hope. Through God's grace and the influence of the Holy Spirit, we have a vision to connect the world through God’s Grace. We have embarked on a patient journey to begin a capital campaign of hope for what we do not yet have, a hope that builds on the foundation of our church’s first 25 years of ministry, and prepares Christ the King to do even more in the next 25 years of our ministry. With hope, faith, and commitment, we can all help to achieve our mission by making the sacrificial offering to our ‘Turning Silver Into Gold Campaign for Christ the King”.

PRAYER: Living God, through faith, hope and love, you guide us through our life on earth, we thank you for these spiritual virtues and ask that you strengthen our own faith, hope, and love, and guide us to be instruments of your grace and mercy. Amen

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