Wednesday, June 13

Confirmation Statement of BB

What does Jesus mean to me?

Jesus means everything to me; he means my time and possessions. He means my best friend. A friend who is constant and never changing, a friend who has been there for me through the good and the bad. He means comfort when I am lost, lonely, and afraid. He means encouragement when I am down and depressed. He means sacrificing a Sunday morning to be with him in church. He means forgiveness of all my sins; he means a leader whom I can follow and a teacher, to teach me his ways. He is a bright light in a world or darkness which shines through to me. What would this world be without Jesus?

How have you grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

Through confirmation and church I have grown in my knowledge and understanding of my loving lord and savior Jesus Christ. Before I had many questions such as, how did God create the world, and how did Jesus perform miracles like making blind people see, or how did Jesus feed five thousand people, cure people of diseases, and if he is all powerful why do bad things happen on the earth? In my confirmation classes all those questions have been solved. The confusing messages if the bible have been unraveled, and I see Jesus more clearly.

Why do I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time?

I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time so I can further myself into the church programs such as angel tree, and I can organize trips to the homeless shelter where we can serve food and interact with the less fortunate. I also wish to assist Christ the King in making decisions, offer my opinions and views, and support the church in whatever way they need.

How do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

In my confirmation group and also on my time I have made trips to homeless shelters, where I assisted in cooking and cleaning. I have also assisted in the angel tree program which I wish to further myself into and I have also done things within my community such as pick up trash and beautify my neighborhood. I wish to go on mission trips, work camps and do whatever the church needs me to. I am BB and I wish to become an affirmed member of Christ the King.

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