Thursday, April 9

Maundy Thursday: Teacher

John 13:1-15

Steve Wilson

One of the greatest lessons in the gospels is the value of being a servant: the strength, glory, and impact we can have, not from being served, but in serving others. In John 13:1-15, Jesus is the model servant, washing the feet of his disciples. Such a humble act. Something the lowliest slave would do. However, Jesus says, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” This was one of Jesus’ last teachings to his Disciples on the night of the Last Supper.

I often think when I feel I’m losing perspective, wrapped up in worldly things, “what have I done to help others?” We should all look at opportunities in our lives to imitate Jesus the servant. What a special blessing to gain wisdom, humility, and a life well-lived – just from serving others. As the proverb goes, “I raise my children not for themselves but for the impact they will have on those they serve.”

PRAYER: Lord, you give us such great examples that show the truth and glory of your word. Life is fuller…with more spirit…and we are rewarded many times over…if we follow your word and imitate your actions. Amen.

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