Thursday, February 25

Our Model

Kim Buckingham

You may remember the game shows where contestants were told to look behind Door Number 1!  Or Door Number 2!   It was always suspenseful because you never knew what to expect—it could be a new car! …Or just a ceiling fan light.  You may have heard that quote by Forrest Gump who said, "Life [is] like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

Well, this passage is so comforting because it says that everyone who knocks on God's door will find God behind it.  It's a certainty in a life filled with uncertainties. No guessing games, just the knowledge that He is there when you need him.  All we have to do it ask.  "For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:8).

God is certainly present and here for us whenever we knock.  The passage goes on to say that God is here for us just as parents are here for their children.  We should be there whenever our children or other loved ones knock - whether it be a knock on the fridge door to ask for a snack, on our car door to ask for a ride, or on our hearts for our love and attention - just to be present and there for them.  That's what God does for us and that we can do for others.

PRAYER:  Lord, you show us that you are here for us whenever we need you.  We are grateful and thankful for your love as a constant in our every changing lives.  Help us to be there for others as you are for us.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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