Sunday, March 28

Palm Sunday

Nick Hawkins 

To me, the purpose of the book of Philippians was to serve as an example of true humility to the people of Philippi. This is so they would not strive with one another, but instead look to the needs of one another (Philippians 2: 1-4). An example of this was when Adam tried to seize equality with God, but Christ did not consider seizing equality with God. Instead, Christ emptied himself to be like a servant, dedicating his life to God even to the point of death. For this reason, God exalted him. What we must do, is to show our loyalty and respect to God, and not try to gain equality from him. Christ Jesus acted as a servant even to the point of death to earn God’s respect. My Grandmother recently passed. She was a very kind woman who always gave of herself. As presented in this passage, she made herself the servant. She battled all her life with heart disease and was a heart transplant recipient. Even thought she was dying of cancer, she told her children to be tough and stay strong. She was always thinking of others. I’d like to think that she knew that God gives us hope in a new life.

PRAYER: “Dear God, we ask that you help us to become a servant like Jesus. Please help us so that one day we may live with you as you give us hope in a new life. Amen.”

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