Saturday, March 28


John 7:40-53

Martina Goss

It is usually very difficult to encourage people to listen to God’s Word. As a child, I found it much easier -- perhaps because children haven’t yet been too burdened by life experiences, politics, prejudices, and the like. I had childhood friends of many backgrounds: Buddhist, Muslim, Shinto, and Jewish, to name a few. I invited friends often to attend church with me, hoping that if they heard the word of God spoken at church and Sunday School, and if they knew what I knew about Jesus, we could all be united as Christians. Many times these childhood friends would attend with me, and I hope they were able to understand some of God’s works, even if they didn’t become lifelong Christians.

As I became an adult, I still invited people to come to church. They declined more frequently, which was not surprising. Regardless, it is our responsibility to take every opportunity, through our thoughts, words, and actions, to model God’s Word for ourselves, our children, our community and the world. In the spirit of being “first on our streets to proclaim the mighty works of God” invite a friend -- and encourage your child to invite a friend -- to attend church with your family. Then watch with joy as God works in their hearts and yours.

PRAYER: Dear God, Help us to be the heralds of Your good works. Thank you for reminding us that our words and actions should reflect Your goodness and mercy for all people. In Your name we pray, Amen.

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