Sunday, March 22

Light of Christ

Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Linda Goglia

On good days, it’s easy to feel Christ’s light in my life. I see Him in the beauty of nature. I feel Him in the love I share with family and friends. I experience His mercy and compassion in the many joyful moments He sends my way. Then I really know that God is there for me.

It’s the bad days that can really get to me. When life is the hardest; when I feel overwhelmed by grief, pain, fear and/or suffering; when I feel lost and alone. That’s when I struggle the most to experience Christ’s light in my life.

As a child, I’d learned a song that comforted me in these times. It always warmed my heart and helped me feel God’s love and support. I would sing it quietly to myself whenever I felt sad or overwhelmed: “Be Still, My Soul; the Lord is by thy side… Bear patiently the cross of grief and pain…” I loved this song. I really wanted to learn to play it on the piano. But I’d never been able to find a copy of the song anywhere. Then, one Sunday when I was especially low, I arrived for the church service early. I wanted time that day to think and pray while it was still quiet. As I knelt in prayer, the organist began his musical prelude. I could hardly believe it! He was playing the music from “Be Still, My Soul”, exactly as I had remembered it! What a great reminder that God is always with me, even in my darkest moments.

PRAYER: Lord, even in those moments of darkness, keep me open to your guiding light. Lead me through the darkness so that, even as the Prodigal Son, I can see my way back home to you.

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