Saturday, March 3

Sacrifice: Day 7

Devotion by: Jen McAnally

1 Peter 2:4-5

Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

In this passage Peter calls us to a task, offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. A sacrifice should cause us to stretch beyond our comfort zone. A spiritual sacrifice offers us the opportunity to give something of ourselves to God. How can we stretch ourselves spiritually? Many Christians ‘give something up’ for Lent. I believe a more important offering to God is committing to ‘add something’ that will help us to grow spiritually. During Lent I wake up 20 minutes earlier than normal so that I have time for me to listen to God. This is holy and sacred time by myself without distraction where I can read my Bible and listen to what God is telling me through the words. Committing to read devotions daily, making time in your day for centered prayer, or attending a Bible study all can be spiritual offerings to God.

We as Christians live in community, what Martin Luther refers to as the Priesthood of all believers. What brings us together is our common faith in Christ, the cornerstone of our faith. The wonderful thing about being a part of a community is that we are not in this alone. We are surrounded by other Christians to work together with us. Invite a friend to join a study with you, or to commit to their own prayer time. Knowing another person is committed to the same task as you can help to fulfill that promise.

PRAYER: Dear God, Thank you for giving us Jesus, the Christ, to be the Cornerstone of our faith. Help us to find ways in which we can offer spiritual sacrifices to you. Surround us with other believers who can help up in our spiritual journey. Amen.

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