Tuesday, June 26

Confirmation Statement of SW

Jesus means a lot of things to me. First I know that he was the son of God who came to earth to teach us about God and how we should live. The whole time he was on earth he knew he was going to die for what he taught us by his words and actions. By his words and actions he taught us to be kind, helpful, caring, and loving to each other. He also was a teacher because he taught us about giving to the needy, prayer, about money, loving our enemies, and about his father. He gave us an example of how to live and by being sincere and trying our best we honor God and Jesus. Even though I can never be as perfect as Jesus he only expects us to try our best. As I am trying to better myself I can also tell his message to other people. I think Jesus would want us to attempt to share this way of life to other people we meet through work or school. He would not only want us to share this message through telling people but by living as a Christian. How would we live as Christians? By doing the right thing when no one is looking.

I think I have grown a lot in these past years for many reasons. I have participated in Bible Studies and have attended Work Camp in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I have learned that God wants us to think about other people before ourselves by donating your time. At Work Camp I helped repair a trailer that a person lived by themselves. At the trailer we helped build steps leading to the side door. We also painted the whole outside of the trailer. At the end of the week the person we helped was very happy and overjoyed with our work but I was also content. It didn’t matter to us if he went to church or not or what religion he was because we just wanted to help him. Even though we had time for fun we also learned about faith. At nights we would go to bible study to discuss our day their and understand God’s grace.

I wish to be confirmed at this time because I would enjoy becoming a member of this church. I have gone to this church for awhile and have really enjoyed the experience. I am positive I have an adequate amount of sense of responsibility to handle tasks that may come with being confirmed. I have gone to Sunday School at Christ the King Lutheran Church since I have moved to Great Falls and I am very pleased with my progress of understanding God’s grace and the Bible. I also have participated in Confirmation for seventh to eighth graders in the morning and night sessions and plan to go to High School Sunday School next year. I have thoroughly enjoyed both Sunday School and Confirmation. In religions this age is common for someone to strengthen further their faith by being an active member of the church community.

I know that once I have been confirmed I am going to have the responsibility to help the community as a member of Christ the King. By community I mean our Church community and our community as a whole. I have a few ideas about what I am going to do which include volunteering at Rebuilding Together and helping set up at church dinners, picnics and functions. I know that by doing this I am not only helping others but I am helping myself to be a better person. I will consider attending Work Camp again or helping at a local camp for kids. Some things I do will be planned in advance but some things may come up in short notice and I will take the opportunity to help. All the work that I may do to help others comes not from me alone, but from God. I have been fortunate to have many possessions and this should further my commitment to assist others in the church ministry. I am hopeful that as a member of Christ the King Lutheran Church that there are various opportunities for to lend a hand to others.

Monday, June 25

Confirmation Statement of SM

What does Jesus mean to me?

Jesus means three things to me; Jesus is a figure, a presence, and a way of life. As a figure, Jesus is an idol, hero, forgiver, and savior. He has sacrificed himself to give me and every other follower a second-chance in life and in the church. He has done this so that I can serve him and live in his kingdom. Jesus is also an important figure throughout the Christian world.

Jesus has a very significant meaning to me, from the Holy Spirit to a simple prayer to even just a small game, Jesus is in my presence always and he helps me make decisions and guides me through life. He can bring many people together for one common purpose, to worship him and his kingdom. Jesus is like a father or mother to everyone who believes in him, he comforts people when they’re in need of confidence, courage, bravery, sympathy, strength, and help.

As a way of life, Jesus guides people through their life journey and he gives moral and physical support to people who need it.

How have I grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

I have grown physically and spiritually these past two years as I have participated in the activities of becoming a confirmed member of our church. My various small group leaders, my parents, and Pastor Scott and Pastor Gysan, have helped me achieve goals, encourage me, guide me, and help me learn more about our church and the understanding of what being a Lutheran means. The various activities such as Shekinah and Work Camp, helped me become in touch with my fellow confirmands, make new friends, and helped me better my skills and knowledge of what being a Lutheran really means. Before the Confirmation process had started, my participation in church related activities was Sunday school and Vacation Bible School, but as Confirmation progressed I became more involved in activities with my fellow confirmation participants. Work Camp was my favorite event because I got to learn how to use my hands to build a wheelchair ramp. It was fulfilling to know that our hard work would be appreciated by someone everyday they used it.

Why do I wish (or do not wish) to affirm my faith in baptism at this time?

I do wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time. God has given me the gift of faith and I belong to Christ. I feel that I have fulfilled my duties to the point that I can become a voting member of the congregation, and that I can use my knowledge of Lutheran doctrine for the better of the church. I also feel that since the church has a big youth base, that I could contribute to our youth program and teachings in Sunday school.

Since I was baptized, I feel that I have matured both physically and spiritually, and that I have learned more about being a Lutheran that I can help in more ways than before through the church. I trust in God’s word and I think that when I affirm my faith that I will really belong to Christ as a young adult. God has given me the gift of faith and I want to use that faith to the absolute maximum.

How am I and how do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

As a confirmed member of the congregation I will intend on using my knowledge of Christ to spread the word of God. I will help in any way that I can to make the ministry better and to make the church a better place for everyone. In the future I could help with youth events and planning of events. Also I could help with the maintenance in and around the church. With my skills and abilities I could also help organize events and help manage church related activities. I could also help with services at church such as being an usher, assistant, etc. I plan to help with the youth members of the church since they are the future confirmands and members of our congregation. As an experienced leader I intend on leading a group at an activity with the youth, such as running a station at VBS, assisting in a Sunday school class, etc.

Sunday, June 24

Confirmation Statement of RA

What Does Jesus Mean to Me?

To many people, Jesus is a role model, a teacher, or a comforter. They don’t seem to realize that he is much more than that. Think of this: Every week in church we recite the Apostles Creed, but does anyone actually think about its meaning? Or do they just silently think to themselves, “Who are these ‘Apostles,’ and where do they think they got permission to write a creed?” If you take the time to look it over, you’ll find it’s a statement you are making that says you believe Christ was fully human, fully God, and fully divine all at once. Not 1/3 of each, but rather 100% divine, 100% human, and 100% God. That’s a lot to try and understand. Then you get into what he’s done; total sacrifice for everything. He never thought of himself. You can read the whole Bible cover to cover and never find a time when he says,” I deserve this” or “ I deserve that.” Jesus is definitely a role model for us. Unfortunately, it is very hard to even comprehend living a God-like life. As a matter of fact, I can bet that a bunch of you will go home today and not think twice about anything you’ve heard here this morning until next week when you remember you’re supposed to come back. I know, because I’ve definitely been guilty of it. If you remember, a few weeks ago Bishop Snyder was here. He gave a sermon that dealt mostly with the topic and concern of doubt. I find myself doubting a lot. Whenever I am told of anything, I try to see how it works or where it comes from to better understand it. Unfortunately, it is basically impossible to be able to explain the logic of God, but that is what faith is: being able to believe in something without reasoning. As for me, I don’t understand half this stuff. When I get to heaven, I’m going to have a book of questions 5 million pages thick, but that’s what it’s all about. Jesus makes you ponder many things, but he is an encyclopedia of wisdom. That is what Jesus means to me.

How have I grown in God’s Grace These past Few Years?

I’ve been coming to this church for as long as I can remember. In fact, I’ve been here just as long as Pastor Gysan. I was the first baby he ever visited in the hospital as Pastor of this church. From then on, it was sitting in the pews, looking at the back of the one in front of me, because I wasn’t tall enough to see over the pew yet, while quietly eating some hard, loud, honey-nut cheerios and enjoying the sensation of being lost in my own little world. That was the life. Since then, I’ve been through at least eight years of Sunday school. In the lower grades, I remember Sunday school as being a place to play with glue and eat goldfish. Being just a little kid, Christmas pageants were right there with it: Go to church, sit around in an itchy sheep and/or Joseph costume. Slowly, I started to realize these lessons we were learning had meanings. Just this last summer, I went to work camp. You probably hear this from every confirmation student who’s ever been up here, but it really was a great experience. Before we left, I thought it would just be some churchy event where we would go work, pray, and sweat a lot. Now don’t get me wrong, we sweated a lot on that trip, especially the guys I was with. The thing is, it was the first time I felt anything really special about the meaning of the church. That feeling has continued to grow since then from being involved in other church activities. As for Confirmation, it’s has been a big history class. I’ve learned so much more than I thought possible, but it just brings me one step closer to fully understanding God.

Why do I wish to affirm my Faith in Baptism at This Time?

I’d like to begin this portion of my faith statement with a story. My great-uncle Charles Brown always had wanted to be confirmed. It was something he had wanted to do all his life. When everyone else was being confirmed at our age, he had a sickness and was unable to participate. He was finally confirmed at the age of 90. I find it a little ironic he only died about six months afterwards. Was God trying to tell me something? I think being confirmed is something everyone needs to do in their lives. I feel I am ready now because I have a much better understanding of the Bible and my faith than ever before. I have matured in many ways since beginning lessons and feel I am ready to take on my own responsibility for it now. Not only has confirmation increased my knowledge of the Lutheran view of Christianity, but it has also interested me in learning about and understanding other viewpoints. I am ready to progress to the next step in my faith experience.

How am I and How do I Intend to use my Gifts, Talents, and Abilities for the Ministry of the Church?

I really enjoy music, and find that it is a wonderful way to be able to help the church. Currently, I participate in the adult choir, accompany the children’s choir, have cantered, and played music during the offering. I love music and plan to continue spreading God’s word through it. In addition, my family has made it a point to train me in many construction trade skills. I expect that I will also find many ways and opportunities to utilize these talents and abilities for the ministry of the church. Besides this, I have been to work camp and participated in multiple church programs and fundraisers and plan to continue with them for the good of others.

Saturday, June 23

Confirmation Statement of RL

I have been told many things about what Jesus has done for me and for the whole world. I know that He gave his life to forgive mine and every one else’s sins. I know that He is the son of my Lord and how my life is to serve Him. But what He means to me is something I feel is very private and is only between me and Jesus. I know that He is my Savior and that I have put all of my faith in Him. I know that He has blessed me with many gifts and that I will spend my whole life serving Him. How I feel about Him is an ever-changing thing - what I feel one year might change the next. I might be needier for Him one time and feel a much stronger bond with Him. But later, I might be in a more comfortable situation and feel less dependant on Him. But no matter how I feel about Him I will always put all my faith in Him. I know that He wants me to be a good Christian and so that’s what I will do. As I said before, what and how I feel about Him is between Him and me alone and no one else, not even my family. So in conclusion, I will tell you that Jesus is above all in my life. He is my world.

In the last few years I have grown in faith because I am now more understanding of God’s grace. I have learned many things about my Lord and things He has done for me and for everyone who has ever lived on this great planet. These last past years we have been doing a lot of learning about God and what He asks of us and now that I am older I can understand God better than when I was little. But many things about Him are unclear to me and probably many other people. But still, He is the one I worship above all else in my life. Throughout my life, I will always try to be the best Christian I can possibly be. In the years before I did not think this was as big of a deal as I realize it is now. Now, because I know the word of God, I know how important it is. And following His word is only one of the few things He asks of us. So in many ways I have grown in faith and am more understanding of God’s grace. But in learning more I have also become more confused and have more questions that maybe someday I will have answers to, but now they will only lead to more questions and more confusion.

There are many reasons why I want to affirm my faith. One reason is because I want to make a promise to God and to myself that I will always be the best Christian that I can. Another reason is because with my affirmation in the church, I will know that I am finally a child under the eyes of God and have fulfilled my mother’s promise which she made to God when I was baptized. I also want to be affirmed in the Christian church because it makes me feel good that I am always going to be watched over by the Lord and that I will always have somewhere to turn to when things are down and when things are up. Confirming my faith has been a moment that I have waited for some time now because it will be nice to join all of my friends in Christian adulthood and know that I am prepared to make this step in my faith. I also wish to affirm my faith because I want to know that there are always people in this world that will help watch over me and are there to keep me safe. So that is why I would like to affirm my faith at this time.

Now that I am confirmed I plan to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church. I have the gift of good leadership so I would like to try and do my best to maybe form some clubs or something of the sort. I am also very good with my hands and I think I could help a lot on some of the repairs or projects the church needs done. I also think that I would be good at fund raising and generating ideas for the up-coming year. Later on in life I would be good because I could help build houses and serve soups and make sandwiches and whatever else I could do for those less fortunate than me. I would like to have a job that helps others when I get older and I suppose that on my way to that point in life I could help many people that need extra help and attention. I know that I can use many of my God-given skills to help others in need and to better aspects of their life. I’ve thought about ways I know I can help others now, and I imagine there are ways I can help that I don’t know about yet. In the near future I can support and serve the ministry of the church. The skills I have been given can be used in many ways - good and bad - but I chose to use them in only the best ways I can and to help others and to be the best Christian I possibly can be. That is how I intend to use my skills, gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the Church.

Friday, June 22

Confirmation Statement of NG

What does Jesus mean to me?

Jesus gave up his life so we could live. He is a loving person and cares for everyone. He teaches us how to be a better person and forgives us for our sins. The stories we read about him portrays Jesus as a kind, gentle and forgiving person. He is a great role model, he helps comfort us in times of need and gives us a purpose for life on earth.

How have I grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace?

I have grown to better understand how God's grace also makes us better people and helps us in time of need. For example: during difficult situations (hurricanes, earth quakes, 911, etc.) people come together to help and support each other, this is a sign of Gods grace. It can also be something small like helping a sick neighbor by making a meal for their family or helping the elderly with yard work. When I go through rough times I always think of God and ask him to help me.

Why do I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time?

I wish to affirm my faith because I now have a better understanding of what it means to be a child of God and a member of the church. I am old enough to understand that baptism and confirmation are ways for me to make a commitment to God and really become one of his children. To accept this responsibility means that I will be a loving, caring person that respects Gods commandments.

How am I and how do I intend to use my gifts, talents and abilities for the ministry of the church?

I will contribute to the church by attending activities where I can help others and give my love. Outside of church I will teach people God’s words using the knowledge I have learned from Christ the King church. For example: being a friend to someone who needs one. Respecting others and not talking about them behind their back. My best gift is too help others reconcile their differences and see the best in each other.

Thursday, June 21

Confirmation Statement of KH

How have you grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

When I entered the congregation as a small child many years back, I was ignorant of God’s grace. To me, God was merely someone who had put trees in the ground and air in my lungs. As I continue my journey in faith I realize now that God is far more then a creator. Due to my studies in confirmation, my faith and understanding in God’s grace has taken a jump start. The book of Psalms, my favorite book of the bible, best expresses God’s grace as a loving, merciful, god who breaks us free of the sins to which we are bound. His grace expands to times of trouble whereby he sends out his light and his truth to prepare us for the journey to his holly hill/dwelling. Through God’s grace he saves us from our foes, puts confusion to those who hate us, condemns those who hate the righteous, and doesn’t condemn those who seek his refuge. The LORD’S grace hears the cries of the troubled and delivers them from their disturbances. He is a great king over all the earth in whom I take refuge. Through his grace, he gives us life and through his salvation, saves our souls.

I have learnt to fear, love, and trust God. I learnt the importance of serving God and giving thanks and praise to him on a daily basis. Foremost though, I have learnt that we should all hear his word and keep it holy, for those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

How am I and how do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

During the last two years of my confirmation, this congregation has been extremely supportive as I proceed with my development in faith. I would like to show my gratitude by continuing to worship with this congregation. In addition to serving as an acolyte and crucifer I also hope to assist with ushering, greeting, and communion distribution during worship services. And with time, maybe be even serving as an active member of the vestry. During confirmation, my favorite activities were the ones pertaining to service projects to include work camp. Since I come from a family that has a long history of service to the ministry of the church, I am sure that through genetic disposition, I will follow in the footsteps of my family. This is why during my quest to become an active member of the church I will remain to give back to the community in forms of service projects, mentoring peers, assistance to those in need, and comfort to the elderly. Regarding the elderly, Sam, my dog who is well known to many in the neighborhood, and I plan to spend the summer visiting those senior citizens confined to nursing homes.

I believe the church’s mission “As a committed body of Christ, we will gather for worship, grow in faith, evangelize the Gospel, serve others, and care for one another in authentic community,” best describes my future role in the church community.

Why do you wish (or do not wish) to affirm you faith in baptism at this time?

As a growing Lutheran, I am becoming more aware of the importance in affirming my faith. To be totally candid I was not sure I would affirm my faith not due to lingering doubts, but more due to the incomplete understanding of Christianity. It wasn’t until I listened to Bishop Schneider’s recent sermon at our church that I learned it was okay to have doubts. Based on the encouragement of that sermon, I am now more determined than ever to accept the charges that were placed on my parents at the time of my baptism. To this end I understand my role as a Child of God in the Christian community and I am eager to learn more about God and his grace. I feel that I am ready to at this time to take the next step in my journey of faith. To show my commitment, I plan to attend high school youth groups next year to maximize my knowledge about God and the Bible.

What does Jesus mean to me?

If I could understand the trinity concept, father, son, and Holy Spirit, and if I could comprehend how Jesus suffering and dying on the cross forgives us of our sins and provides eternal life, this question would be so much easier to answer. As I grow in belief that Jesus is my true savior, I find that it requires more and more uncompromising faith regarding what I don’t understand. As everyone knows the first article of the Apostle’s Creed refers to God, the father, creator of heaven and earth. The third article of the Apostle’s Creed refers to the Holy Spirit, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life ever lasting. And of course the second article refers to Jesus Christ who is conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius pilot, was crucified die and was buried. He descended into hell, rose again ascended into heaven seated at the right hand of the father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead. In a spiritual realm my faith is certainly strong enough to accept all three articles. However, since I do not totally understand the 3-in-1 concept, I see Jesus as the creator, the forgiver of sins, the provider of life everlasting, and as the unselfish person who suffered on the cross so that all of us might have a chance at eternal life. In a day to day personal realm everybody has their own interpretation of Jesus. To me he is something like a best friend. He is my crutch when I am weak. He listens when no one else will and he is always there to lend an ear. I know I can turn to him to give me strength so I may continue to fight my battles. When I am led into darkness, his light leads me out. He is reassurance to the fact I am loved. He is comfort. Someone to talk to; He is a role model. Someone to look up to; He is someone that everyone should be a little more like because he can teach us so much.

The quality, however, that separates Jesus from the average best friend is the salvation he guarantees to everyone’s soul. He is nonjudgmental but understanding. He pardons us our sins that we commit everyday. Without him our souls would be deeply burdened with the weight of all of our sins. He is always forgiving even though sometimes we think we don’t deserve it.

Wednesday, June 20

Confirmation Statement of KB

What does Jesus mean to me?

When I think of Jesus, I think of my faith, love, and hope. Jesus is my one and only true role model. He means the world to me. He makes me strong when I am weak. He is the reason I am here and the reason I have faith. He-died for us and that is the greatest gift in the world. I am so blessed to have role model like him, and so is the rest of the world. To me, Jesus is everything, my friends, my family, my breath, my spirit, my shoulder to cry on, and my life. He lives in me. He gives me hope when there is none to be found and gives me love when no one else is around. He means so much that I couldn't survive without him. I turn to him for a friend, a parent, a brother, a sister and he always delivers. Jesus is my escape from the world. He creates this place of complete serenity for me to escape to when I am tired of all the drama, and fights, and anger in my life. Since he is always there for me, I feel protected and happy to be here. Life without him wouldn't be the same and people without him wouldn't be the same. It means so much to me to know that there is always going to be this ray of light and hope, to know that he is always going to be there, and know that no matter what mistakes I make, he will always forgive me. Jesus makes me realize how great life is and helps me appreciate more then I already do. And without him, I wouldn't be the same, great person that I am today.

How have you grown in faith and understanding of God's grace these past few years?

My growth in faith and understanding of God's grace has changed my entire life. Faith has brought me to understand God's grace, so, in a way; his grace and my faith are connected. God's grace strengthens me and my faith. It makes me stronger than I could ever imagine. I have grown from just understanding his grace, to truthfully realizing what his grace is. I can not imagine our world without God's grace. I have grown to learn that through God's grace my life is more hopeful, loving and I am forgiven for my sins when I ask. This is what makes my life just plain great! His grace make me realize that there is always hope and to never give up on things. My faith has helped me understand that I should know that God is always with me and will keep me wherever I go. If God's grace is with me, then I will be safe. God's grace gives me hope, and hope gives me love, and love gives me life, and life gives me faith, and faith gives me God's grace. We receive grace as a gift from God. My faith has grown to the point where God's grace is beginning to make sense to me. Grace is not just a gift, it is also a blessing.

Why do I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time?

I want to affirm my faith in baptism at this time because I want to be closer to God and his church. To be confirmed means to strengthen, and I want to be stronger. I want to be more involved with God and his church, I want my faith to deepen. Confirmation is about receiving the Holy Spirit. Affirming my faith can be scary because it is a sign of getting older, but I choose to think of it as an opportunity to appreciate my faith, God, and his church. I also think of it as away of showing God how much I truly love him. Being confirmed will help me understand God better, but I still have a lot to learn. Even long, long after I have been confirmed, even if I am 100 years old, I will still have a lot to learn about God, and that is the exciting thing about God, you can always learn more. I want to affirm my faith so I can get closer to God, to pray with him and just talk about stuff with him, even though I do that now. I think being confirmed can help me feel more comfortable with my faith and God. Being confirmed, to me, is just what I need to have as a growing teenager, to be stronger, in my faith and mentally, and to have someone there to talk to who you know is listening.

How am I and how do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church ?

I intend on using my gifts, talents, and abilities to show the rest of the world about God. By using my gifts, I feel I can influence other people to do things to be closer to God like joining a church or just talking or praying to God. There are a lot of people in the world that need help from God and someone needs to show them that God is there and he is listening, like he always has and always will. I hope by using my gift of faith that God's grace has brought upon me, I can help people turn to God for help. I plan to talk to people about joining the church and I plan to convince people that God is there, and that they can turn to Him and talk to Him at any time. I also will help serve people in need in our community like feeding the homeless, helping repair homes, cleaning up the community and helping with the Angel tree project. Using my faith to do all these things, I hope my faith will grow because of it. I also am going to aim to encourage other people, who have my same faith, to talk to other people about it too. Being confirmed can help me do these things, but I can't do it all alone, so I will get involved with the community and plan to have people talk to me about my faith and, I am hoping, my faith will grow because of that too. Life without God is no life at all, and I hope that by using my gifts and talents that 1 can help people realize who God is.

Tuesday, June 19

Confirmation Statement of JZ

What does Jesus mean to me?

Jesus to me is like the Colorado River. Most rivers only form valleys but the Colorado formed the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is one of the world’s 8 or 9 natural wonders. It is truly magnificent just like Jesus. Jesus formed our Christian faith and always puts you in a better mood for the rest of that day when you hear His word, it leaves you in a good mood just like what happens to you when you go and see the Grand Canyon. One of the best things that Jesus did was teach His word. He would go up to a rock and teach to hundreds or thousands of people. I don’t know about you but to me, teaching to a couple of people is hard; imagine teaching to hundreds or thousands of people. Also, many people think Jesus was a perfect man, but to me he wasn’t. For example, people were using the Temple as a marketplace and selling things in it. When Jesus found out about this he stomped in the room and flipped all of the tables over with all the money that the people were collecting. After that he yelled at the people, “Why are you turning my father’s house into a marketplace!” All the people just stood quiet as a mouse and left the building after that. This shows me that I don’t have to be perfect to be a good Christian. Jesus had many people that followed him and he sent them to places to tell other people about His word and about what he does. These people were called the 12 disciples. One of the other things that Jesus was good at was performing miracles. Some examples are when he fed the 5,000 out of two fish and five loafs of bread and when he walked on water and got Peter to walk on water too until he questioned his faith. I believe I can do miraculous things by following and believing in Jesus. These are a couple reasons of what Jesus means to me.

How have I grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

I have grown in faith these past few years by learning more about the Christian history and some of the events that occurred in there like the Stoning of Steven, the 95 Thesis of the Catholic Church by Martin Luther, and much more. I have also grown by reading the Bible more often and getting to know Jesus’ word better. I have prayed more in my time and as a result I have felt God’s presence with me more often than usual for certain things. I feel like a much stronger Christian now that I know more about the history and this is an example of how I have grown in faith over the past couple of years. I used to think that church was boring because all you do was just sit there, but now I think different. Now, I think church is a time when you have God forgive your sins, get Holy Communion, and get more familiar with Jesus’ word and the Bible from the First and Second Readings and the Holy Gospel. Also, in Confirmation, I have got to know the meanings of some of the verses are in the Bible. One of my favorite ones is James 1:19-22. These verses say, “ 19 you must understand this my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20 for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness. 21 Therefore rid yourselves of all sordidness and rank growth of wickedness, and welcome with meekness the implanted word that has the power to save your souls. The main idea of this is that most people want to speak during a conversation, but everyone should listen to the other person carefully. You should do this because you can only learn when you listen. Also, do not let your anger come out quickly. By slowing down angry thoughts, you may prevent behavior that is not Christian-like. The teachings and Bible study that I have listened to and understood have given me the foundation for Christian behavior.

Why do I wish to affirm your faith in baptism at this time?

I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time because I feel like I have a better understanding about the Christian faith and what it is about. At baptism my godparents and parents spoke for me. While they wished and hoped I would become a good Christian it was up to me to decide if I were going to be a good Christian or not in my life. Also, I was baptized in an Episcopal Church and moved to California and then finally to Virginia. With each of these moves I have come to meet different examples of Christians and their faith. I have seen how faith has allowed these people to become friends and examples for me. It has showed me what people can do with Christ in their life and with Christ providing guidance in their lives. Having Christ in my life will help me be a better brother, son and person. It is at this point where I want to reaffirm my Christian faith in baptism.

How am I and how do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

I realize that any gifts and talents that I have are gifts from God. It is up to me to make the best use of these gifts. One way that I will use these talents is by providing service to the church. Early on, it was listening in Sunday school and paying attention in church was how I used my talents. As time has passed, my opportunities to serve the church have grown. I now am an acolyte and crucifer that adds to the church service. I feel the most important part is how I use my faith to interact with other people. I try to make my Sunday school experience one where my insight and comments add to the overall experience. Sometimes others feel it is not cool to think about the Bible. I try to show my friends through my actions that you can be a fun person while reading the Bible. Actions really do speak louder than words. Hopefully my participation sparks interests in others. One of the biggest ways I have used my talents is when we went down to the homeless shelter and served some food to the women there. By giving just my time and my patience, I felt that these women saw that men like me can be gentle and caring. The best use of my talent is by being this example for those around me. I try to set this example to my family and to those around me. In this way, I feel the church and the pastors can always count on me to help out in any way I can. Serving the church is an important part in being a good Christian. You cannot be a good Christian by keeping thoughts, words, and deeds to yourself. You must share your talents and there is no better way to share my talents than with the church.

Monday, June 18

Confirmation Statement of JM

Jesus means the world to me. I know that Jesus sacrificed his life for me. I have learned about Jesus since going to Sunday School at Christ the King since I was 4 years old. I am so lucky to have been in a faith-based school since kindergarten, where I have learned more about the Bible and Jesus’ teaching. I know I can count on Jesus to hear my prayers and help me make good decisions.

When I was in kindergarten and my dad died quite suddenly, I know it was Jesus that helped me through such a difficult time. I was so little I didn’t really understand what had happened, but as I grew older, I knew that Jesus was there, helping me through. And Jesus is still helping me, especially when I feel that it is difficult to not have me dad around. Jesus reminds me that faith is always the answer.

The movie “The Passion of the Christ” really had a special meaning to me. I saw how much Jesus suffered but at the same time, how he was able to change the world. While I had certainly read the bible and stories of Jesus, the movie really influenced how much I now appreciate Jesus and his teachings and sacrifice. I know that Jesus lives within me and will continue to influence my life in the most positive way.

I have been taught that God’s grace is: God’s Redemption At Christ’s Expense. I have learned over the last few years that this definition must be expanded to show that God’s grace is unconditional. Grace is given to all of us by God. We are able to know the gift of grace by Jesus’ death and resurrection. A recent Sunday School lesson had meaning to me relating to this question: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2: 8).

I would have to say that the gift of grace is the best gift I have ever received. My faith has grown and I have a better understanding of God’s grace through the Confirmation Classes, and supported also by lessons at Sunday School. Studying the bible has really helped my faith grow. At school, I learn about many religions, even though there is a focus on Episcopalian. So it is very helpful to have learned the basics of the Lutheran faith at Confirmation classes and Sunday School.

Through our confirmation class, I feel I was very fortunate to have participated in Work Camp last summer in Lancaster, PA. With a team of other Christians, I helped paint the exterior of a home for an elderly man whose wife has Alzheimer’s. The week of camp was an amazing affirmation of my faith. We prayed together at lunch and had wonderful fellowship at the end of the day, singing and telling stories. I could see that so many youth were as positively impacted as I was by this experience.

I wish to affirm my faith in baptism as I am confirmed. I learned in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” I know that the gifts and benefits of baptism (as discussed in The Lutheran Handbook, p. 214) include: forgiveness of sins, redemption from death and the devil, and eternal salvation to all who believe it, as the Word and promise of God.” Through the teaching in Confirmation Class, I now realize that baptism is not just a one-time ritual for infants, but rather a lifelong process of being a servant of Christ. By affirming my baptism, I am saying that I accept God in my life and will strive to live a life of faith.

I plan to use my gifts, talents and abilities for the ministry of the church. In High School, I have a community service requirement which I would like to fulfill doing God’s work, hopefully mentoring younger students less fortunate than I am. I really like environmental issues and hope I can be a good steward of God’s earth. I will continue to participate in community service opportunities to pick up trash along the highway. I would hope that my life is an example to other youth. I will be changing schools in the fall to a school without a religious focus. I feel there will be opportunities to discuss my faith and beliefs with other students. By becoming a member of the congregation of Christ the King, I know I will be giving money as well as being aware of service opportunities.

Sunday, June 17

Confirmation Statement of GD

What does Jesus mean to me?

This is a very hard question to answer because of the simple reason that Jesus, like God, and because he is God, is too amazing of a being to put into words. He has undying and unending love and compassion for all the world, and I don’t think there is really any way to describe him using the English language except by just calling him by his name, Jesus our Savior. It is so hard for us to truly grasp what changes Jesus had to undergo to save our world. As humans, we can not understand how Jesus is 100% of our holy Lord God and yet is also 100% human. It is unimaginable what Jesus went through to save every individual on earth from eternal darkness. This is why it is so hard to try and grasp to the fullest extent what Jesus means to me.

I am going to try to show the major roles he is currently playing in my life: a teacher and friend. Jesus is always inside of me. He guides me to do what is right and helps me understand the difference between right and wrong. Whenever I veer off the path of good, or when I am going through hardships, Jesus is the hope inside the world that everything is meant to happen for a reason and will be all right. I think that James 1:2-4 puts this into the best words. “My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.” This is a very hopeful passage that I can always look to in times of need. Like I said, Jesus is also a friend to me. I have the assurance that he is always listening and will be compassionate toward me whenever I pray to him. I know that he is always focusing his attention toward me with enough patience to last for eternity and always has and will understand why and what I pray to him about. It is very comforting to know that Jesus is such a loving Lord and Savior to all of us.

How have I grown in your faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

Over the past few years, I have grown spiritually and in my knowledge of God. I’ll start with prayer because I’ve realized just how important it is in a relationship with God. I pray because I have faith, not because others do it, and not because my parents want me to do it. I pray because I believe that God will help me in times of need and I pray because I am so thankful for everything I have. Prayer keeps me focused. It helps me remember why I am here, and helps me to worship the Lord. Prayer is so special because I can pray about worries, things I am thankful for, things I need help with during the day, and things I am sorry for. Prayer is something that gets me through the day and I always remember to pray every morning before school. Praying is one of our great gifts from God, and I feel nobody should take it for granted.

These two years in Confirmation have furthered my understanding of God and the Holy Trinity. I know that God is always with us and is closer than we think. He is one with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is inside of each and every one of us working through us every day. He left us the Bible to guide and lead us, the Ten Commandments to show us right from wrong, the Apostles Creed, the Lords Prayer, and most importantly his Son’s life to help us be able to live with the hope that we may one day join him in Heaven. One of the things I have learned about Jesus and God that has given me joy is their grace. I have realized that without grace we would be lost. It is the fact that God helps us and makes sacrifices for us without us being worthy of it that makes God so loving. If God based everything on the deeds we did, I know I would have a pretty tough life. Every day I ask the Lord to guide and help me, and I know he always will. This is how I have grown through my years in Confirmation.

Why do I wish to affirm my faith today?

Words, words, words. Up to this point, I’ve talked about Jesus and how my faith has grown into what it is today. Even though I still am not positive about how I feel about Jesus, or where my faith will lead me, I was still able to write without problem. But this question has really made me think very hard. I’ve realized that this talk does not mean much to me. I mean, I’m fine with talking, but I don’t see what it achieves. I believe that sometimes words can be false. They can deceive and can create artificial meaning. But actions - actions show a person. They help show what a person believes in.

I do not feel that by standing up here, I am achieving anything lasting and concrete. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talked about how to pray. He said, “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret; and your father who sees you in secret will reward you.” I think that that applies to many things. Standing in front of everybody and confirming my faith is productive when, by my confirming my faith, someone else is helped. Truthfully, I would rather sit in my room and confirm my faith to Jesus in private so that only he and God can hear me.

How do I intend to use my gift, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

I feel that by becoming a member of the church I can help with many things. I enjoy helping the church with various activities from the Angel Tree Project every year to when the church makes baloney sandwiches for the needy. I will continue my role in the bell choir, and will try to further the musical program. I am an umpire in the Great Falls Little League. When I get my paycheck, I often give ten percent of it to the church. I think that tithing money to the church is a huge part of being a member. When I am a member, I can also vote on church decisions. That is a great privilege and I would love to be able to do so. I always come to church every Sunday and will continue to even after I am confirmed.

When I was in Kindergarten, I had a friend who was not a Christian. Every once in a while, I would bring in things from Sunday School or tell her about Bible stories. At the end of the year, I felt that I had done a pretty good job helping her understand Jesus and the Bible. She had also started to believe a bit in what I was saying to her. I know you’re all thinking “they were just little kids,” but the more people we can share the word of God with, the more we can spread Christianity throughout the world. I feel that not only can I help the church, but that as a member, the church can help me spread the words of the Lord. If I become a member of the church, I can help the whole community further understand our living Lord. These are the things I hope to help the church with as a member.

Saturday, June 16

Confirmation Statement of DC

What does Jesus mean to me?

I believe that Jesus is the son of God. As the son of God, Jesus means forgiveness to me.

I can make mistakes and ask Jesus for forgiveness and I will always be forgiven. Jesus saves me from myself, and he will always be with me throughout my life. I have had times in the past when I was worried, or even scared. Last year I was in a car accident. We were driving on the interstate in New York during the daytime. All of the sudden a deer ran across the road in front of us and hit our car. If the deer had started just a few seconds later, it might have hit the windshield and broken into the car, hurting me or my family. Fortunately, the deer bounced off of the side of the car and we were all okay. That experience showed me how Jesus is always there with me.

Now I am in 8th grade, and I am one of the older students at my Middle School. Next year though, I will be going to high school and I know that Jesus will always be there too, to help me to get through my new challenges and experiences.

My hockey coach once told me, that when a good coach considers bringing a new player on a team; that the coach asks three questions about the new player: 1) What kind of a person is he? 2) How are his grades? and 3) What kind of hockey player is he? When I first heard this, I didn't understand why being a good hockey player was the third question asked (instead of the first question). When I thought about it, I understood that my coach, like Jesus, wanted me to be a good person before anything else.

How have I grown in faith and understanding of God's grace these past few years?

I was baptized at Christ the King. I know that I have grown in my faith and I have also grown in my understanding of my faith over the past few years. Before I went through confirmation, I didn't really understand what grace was. I now understand that grace is a great gift from God, and I definitely accept God's grace.

I have learned that God is love, understanding, and forgiveness. I also know that as a person, I am not perfect. Even though I am not perfect I know that God will understand me and he will forgive me when I do the wrong things. It is hard to do the right thing all of the time, because even if I do the right things, I have to say the right things and even think the right things. We are lucky that we always have the gift of God's grace.

I have also learned a great deal about what it means to be a Lutheran. I didn't know that much about being a Lutheran a few years ago. Now I understand more about Martin Luther and about the ways and the reason for our beliefs. One thing I didn't understand too well before was communion. I think that I now understand and appreciate communion and how important it is to have our sins forgiven.

Why do I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time?

I believe that I am ready to affirm my baptism as a confirmed member of our church. I think that I have grown a great deal in my faith over the past few years and that I am ready to be an actual adult church member.

Baptism is one of the sacraments of our church along with communion. I understand that both baptism and communion have the forgiveness of sins, and also the presence of Jesus. It is important that in confirmation that I can affirm my faith in baptism to show that the forgiveness of sins and my faith in Jesus are both very important in my life.

How am I using my spiritual gifts for the ministry of the church?

I have learned that helping others is very important, and that this is what Jesus wants us to do. I have been an acolyte, a reader, and a cross-bearer at church, and I enjoy helping out. I was a little bit nervous the first time I did all of these things, especially the first time I read a Bible passage in front of the church. I know that the church must have people to do these things, and I am glad that I was able to help.

Last summer I went with our church confirmation group to the work camp near Lancaster, PA. We were there for one week, living in college dormitories, and assigned to teams with other Christians of all faiths. For the entire week, my team assisted elderly and disabled people by painting their homes. It was hot work, but I enjoyed helping the people in need. At the end of each day, we would have worship and prayer services. This week of helping people in need made me think of how important it is to serve others.

I hope that as I get older that I am able to help people and to help my church. I know that I will be very busy in high school with academics and sports, but I also know that I need to find the time to help the church and to help others.

Friday, June 15

Confirmation Statement of DP

What does Jesus mean to me?

To me, Jesus means the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:8). I believe He is the only way or path to God. In the book of John, Jesus says “No one comes to the Father but through Me.” I want to know and love God, and Jesus is the only way to achieve that goal. I am not perfect; I know that I do make mistakes and sin all the time. Jesus has taken away all my sins by dying on the cross for me. Jesus is my Savior. His work on the cross is the only work that allows me to have an eternal relationship with God. “The law was given through Moses, grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). Jesus is the truth, by looking or following him you will discover the way to God. An example from my life is, whenever I want to achieve a goal, like getting good grades, or winning an important soccer game, I will look to my coaches and my friends and teachers and parents and all that, but over all I will look and pray to God to help me. This does not mean that I will automatically achieve the goal just because I prayed to Him, but I will have his guidance with me. Sometimes the ways my prayers are answered are in a different way or a different time than I expect, but they are eventually answered.

I know how when people have something bad happen to them they blame God and ask “What did I do wrong?” but the truth is they did not put all of their trust in Him, or they worshipped someone or something over Him. If I had to choose between everything I know and love, and God, I would choose God, because the truth is God IS everything I know and love. What Jesus wants us to know and realize is that the way to Heaven and Eternal life with God is Jesus himself. Truthfully, if I had to choose between going to Church and a night out with all of my friends, I would choose my friends. I know this is wrong and I think this is what most kids my age would choose, because I don’t think we have really thought about what Exodus 20:3 says, “You shall have no other gods before me” meaning we should only worship the real and true God. By choosing my friends instead of Church I am worshipping them over God.

I think that most kids my age aren’t mature enough to realize that Jesus is the only way to God. A lot of people ask, “Who is Jesus?” One answer to that lies in the Bible (as every answer does). Jesus asked his followers, “Who do you say that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” I am so thankful that God has shown me this truth expressed by Peter.

How have you grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

I’ve grown in my faith in several ways the past few years. Luke 15:11 is an example of God’s grace in the Bible- This is about the prodigal son.

Over the past few years God has blessed me with a growing faith. Before I came to Christ the King I did not know God and who Jesus is or what the big deal about Him was. I started out going to Sunday school every Sunday and forgetting about church, but when I got more interested in God I decided to go to church whenever I could. When I started confirmation my faith in God grew more. Before confirmation I still had questions about God and Jesus and I did not know what the Bible really was. By going to confirmation every Sunday morning and church right after that I began to understand more about God. These are examples of God’s grace drawing me closer to Him. Having multiple people to share their spiritual gifts by God’s grace with me is absolutely wonderful. Another example of God’s grace is, in the past couple of years, God has given me everything I need. He’s given me Himself, my house, and everything I own. God has graced me with so many things it is hard to write down all of them. I have gone on seven cruises; one every year, and God graced my family with the money to attend these cruises. God has graced me with wonderful friends and family whom I love with all my heart. God has churches that allow fellow believers to get together to share their faith with each other. Overall, God has given me everything I need, and whenever I need Him he is there for me, that is more than anyone can ask for. God helps me grow in my faith and understanding every day by providing for me. Right now my father is without a job, and I believe that God has done this so I can spend more time with him. Although I pray my father will get a new job soon, I do love having him home with me when before I could barely spend a single minute with him without him going off to work or taking an important phone call.

I know my faith will continue to grow now that confirmation class is ending. I will still attend church, and will come to Youth Group next year. I am also very blessed because a lot of my soccer friends also attend church, mostly at Reston Bible Church, and they always include me in their Youth Group activities and in their annual summer camp.

Why do I wish (or do not wish) to affirm your faith in baptism at this time?

I believe I should be confirmed because I believe in God the Father Almighty. I believe Jesus Christ the Son of the Lord died on the cross for our sins. I believe that after three days he was resurrected and sits on the right hand side of God the Father. I believe Jesus is our savior. I believe these things personally, for myself – not my parents making a promise for me as happened at my baptism.

One night with several of my confirmation friends we traveled to D.C to serve food for homeless women. Without Jesus affecting my life, I would not have served these homeless women. There were a lot of things that would have been more fun, but the encouragement of my parents and my confirmation friends helped me actually go down there and serve the women. I can see Jesus is in the hearts of those people that persuaded me. Confirmation is a statement of your faith. Confirmation is an extremely important step in my life. It is stating publicly that what I believe is in my heart. Stating that I believe in Jesus publicly is showing everyone that I am a true believer, it is not a secret. I hold responsibilities for myself and my own actions. I am thankful to have this opportunity to confirm my faith as it is a part of growing up and taking ownership and responsibility for my own decisions and actions. I know that my confirmation is a gift from God and I pray that I can steward this gift in a way that will honor God. I hope that I will let other people participate in continuing to help build my faith, because faith grows when it is shared.

How am I and how do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

God has given me a lot of gifts, and part of the reason He gave them to me is so I can share them with others in our Church. I believe one spiritual gift given to me is the gift of faith, I intend to use this gift on others by sharing it with others. I can share it with my friends that also go to Christ the King by continuing to support those in my small group. I also believe I have the gift of knowledge – God has given me the ability to learn quickly. I have used this gift in the past to help teach younger children. I hope that in the future I would be able to build up this gift of knowledge with God’s grace and help from others. I would like to increase my knowledge so that I would be able to teach more people about God. I can use these gifts by informing my friends and others about Jesus Christ. I could help teach Sunday school to teach little kids about God. I could show my peers my testimony. I would also like to serve at Work Camp every summer so I can help serve God and others. I recognize that my gifts come from God. I know that spiritual gifts are “for the common good” (1 Corn 12:8). I would like to continue seeing where Christ the King church or my pastors will have me utilize my gifts. At 13, I am not sure I know what all of my gifts are yet, beyond sharing my belief in God and my knowledge. I might also be able to help coach younger kids in sports as I also have a gift of being very athletic. When I earn money for helping with soccer camps in the summer or from presents at Christmas or my Birthday I can share part of that with the church. But as I get older I will keep learning more about my gifts and will always, at every age work to give back to my community and my church.

Wednesday, June 13

Confirmation Statement of CS

What Does Jesus Mean to Me?

Every night before I go to sleep I say my prayers and each time I pray I ask for the same thing: forgiveness of sins; to bless my family and to keep them healthy & safe. When I pray to Jesus, I am trusting him with my life, my faith and my hope.

Often when I am scared, like when I’m home alone or in the dark, I pray to Jesus for protection and courage. For those few seconds that I’m talking to him, I forget all things around me. I hear nothing, see nothing, smell nothing, but only feel the sensation of Jesus listening. When I am in a bad mood or really upset, I also pray to God to help me, to help me listen, and to help me find a solution. When I’m talking to him I feel as if he is listening, not judging, but caring about what I have to say. I don’t believe he takes sides, but as I speak to him, he helps me to see or notice what I can do to make things better. It is only when I am talking to him that I get my answers. I realize what I’ve done wrong and how selfish my words can be. God helps me realize that when I’m complaining about something I feel is important, that sometimes it’s something that most people in the world can never even have as a problem. People with less don’t have the same greed that I do or the need to feel like they fit in like I do.

I look to Jesus to find answers and to help guide me through life. I talk to him when there is no one else to listen and I feel that he helps me more than anyone else in the world. He is my life guide.

Why I Wish to Affirm My Faith in Baptism at This Time

I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time because I feel as though I am ready. Although some people my age do not think the Bible is the most appealing book to read, I find it highly interesting to be given a phrase from the Bible, and to have to interpret it. No matter the author of the verse, I feel as if I do a fine job in interpreting the author’s meaning. Although half the time I have no clue what is going on, with the help from my guide, pastor, & parents, I find it quite fascinating and sensational to understand a passage from the Bible and I will continue to learn and love in God’s world.

I feel as thought I have grown to understand so much more of God’s word and I believe it is time to make a greater commitment and take one step closer to becoming a Lutheran.

How I Intend to Use My Gifts, Talents, and Abilities for the Ministries of the Church

I believe everyone has many talents and throughout the years, God has helped show me some of the gifts and talents in my possession. Although I will not continue to pursue all of my talents, I will certainly use some of them to help the church’s mission. My gift of love, I will continue to share with the young children in the church. With my gift of song and my love for singing, I will try to bless the ears around me. Through my gift of faith and hope, I will continue to try and create a safe and warm sanctuary for my family and friends. Through my talent of (minor) cooking, I would love to continue to make food and to help serve meals in the fellowship hall and to make sandwiches for the needy. With my gift of gratitude, I will continue to help in programs like the Angel Tree project. I recently helped wrap and deliver Angel Tree presents. This brought great amounts of joy to my heart, and also sorrow for the living conditions of some of the people. Even though they didn’t have much, they showed love and gratefulness to everyone around them. I intend to use this gift of bringing joy to people not only at Christmas, but at other times in the church, in my home, in my school, and in the world I have yet to face. Most of all, however, I intend to use my gift of spirituality for everyone to see and to spread the word of God around the world.

How I’ve Grown in Faith & Understanding of God’s Grace These Past Few Years

I have grown significantly in God’s grace by learning the art of forgiveness. I used to be really short tempered, but now I’ve learned to use the forgiving way of God to deal with problems in my life. In the past, whenever my friends would do something to make me mad, I’d want to make them feel bad thinking it would make me feel better. I’ve learned that is not the way to handle the problem. Now I look at the perspective of the person I’m mad at and try and see things from their point of view, and sometimes realize that I’m the one causing most of the problem. I’ve also learned that every human is imperfect and that I can’t blame them for something they can’t help or have trouble containing.

I’ve grown in my faith in a major way. Throughout these past couple of years, I’ve learned to trust God with my life, my health, and my safety. I’ve trusted God when I’m scared, to keep me safe in the darkness of life. I’ve learned to trust God about death, although I am still afraid to die. I will strive not to be afraid, but to trust God and accept what follows.

My mother’s definition of Grace is “God never gives up on you. He loves you, he forgives you, and he will always be there for you.” This definition has much to say and I will work to learn more about God’s grace as I grow older.

Confirmation Statement of BB

What does Jesus mean to me?

Jesus means everything to me; he means my time and possessions. He means my best friend. A friend who is constant and never changing, a friend who has been there for me through the good and the bad. He means comfort when I am lost, lonely, and afraid. He means encouragement when I am down and depressed. He means sacrificing a Sunday morning to be with him in church. He means forgiveness of all my sins; he means a leader whom I can follow and a teacher, to teach me his ways. He is a bright light in a world or darkness which shines through to me. What would this world be without Jesus?

How have you grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

Through confirmation and church I have grown in my knowledge and understanding of my loving lord and savior Jesus Christ. Before I had many questions such as, how did God create the world, and how did Jesus perform miracles like making blind people see, or how did Jesus feed five thousand people, cure people of diseases, and if he is all powerful why do bad things happen on the earth? In my confirmation classes all those questions have been solved. The confusing messages if the bible have been unraveled, and I see Jesus more clearly.

Why do I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time?

I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time so I can further myself into the church programs such as angel tree, and I can organize trips to the homeless shelter where we can serve food and interact with the less fortunate. I also wish to assist Christ the King in making decisions, offer my opinions and views, and support the church in whatever way they need.

How do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

In my confirmation group and also on my time I have made trips to homeless shelters, where I assisted in cooking and cleaning. I have also assisted in the angel tree program which I wish to further myself into and I have also done things within my community such as pick up trash and beautify my neighborhood. I wish to go on mission trips, work camps and do whatever the church needs me to. I am BB and I wish to become an affirmed member of Christ the King.

Tuesday, June 12

Confirmation Statement of BL

What does Jesus mean to me?

To me, Jesus is like guidance counselor, when I ask for help he helps me, when I’m worried he can help calm me down, when I have questions or am unsure of something, he gives me advice and when I am down or sad he cheers me up. He does all this through the people in my life and I see him in my parents when my mom helps calm me down, my teachers when they give me advice or answers, my friends when they cheer me up and make me laugh, various other people I meet, like I might hear someone just randomly in another conversation saying something I need to hear, or even my own thoughts and ideas.

How I have grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace these past few years?

I used to go to Sunday school, listen to what the teachers and the pastors told me about God and Jesus, said “okay” and went home afterwards, now I’m more interested in my faith and I try to think deeply about God’s lessons and his meanings and how it makes sense. Though I have also started realizing what real faith is, not getting facts from teachers and just saying okay but its also realizing that you cannot always find the answers and that is when you just believe that God has it covered and you don’t have to worry about it.

Why do I wish (or do not wish) to affirm your faith in baptism at this time?

I wish to affirm my faith in baptism because although I still have questions about God and Christ, I do know that God loves me, that Jesus has saved me, and they are always with me.

How do I intend to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church?

One of the best ways I think I can serve the church is by taking part in the various public service opportunities presented before me, whether it be through school like helping out at Challenger baseball, a baseball program mostly for mentally handicapped kids, or just taking part in the yearly public service day that they have in the high school next year; or through scouts because every time someone has an eagle project it helps the community or some organization; and also looking at the opportunities through the church as I have not done that thoroughly since I got here last year. I guess the other way I could serve the church is by doing what I like from day to day, which are making people laugh and giving them advice when they need it.