Tuesday, June 26

Confirmation Statement of SW

Jesus means a lot of things to me. First I know that he was the son of God who came to earth to teach us about God and how we should live. The whole time he was on earth he knew he was going to die for what he taught us by his words and actions. By his words and actions he taught us to be kind, helpful, caring, and loving to each other. He also was a teacher because he taught us about giving to the needy, prayer, about money, loving our enemies, and about his father. He gave us an example of how to live and by being sincere and trying our best we honor God and Jesus. Even though I can never be as perfect as Jesus he only expects us to try our best. As I am trying to better myself I can also tell his message to other people. I think Jesus would want us to attempt to share this way of life to other people we meet through work or school. He would not only want us to share this message through telling people but by living as a Christian. How would we live as Christians? By doing the right thing when no one is looking.

I think I have grown a lot in these past years for many reasons. I have participated in Bible Studies and have attended Work Camp in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I have learned that God wants us to think about other people before ourselves by donating your time. At Work Camp I helped repair a trailer that a person lived by themselves. At the trailer we helped build steps leading to the side door. We also painted the whole outside of the trailer. At the end of the week the person we helped was very happy and overjoyed with our work but I was also content. It didn’t matter to us if he went to church or not or what religion he was because we just wanted to help him. Even though we had time for fun we also learned about faith. At nights we would go to bible study to discuss our day their and understand God’s grace.

I wish to be confirmed at this time because I would enjoy becoming a member of this church. I have gone to this church for awhile and have really enjoyed the experience. I am positive I have an adequate amount of sense of responsibility to handle tasks that may come with being confirmed. I have gone to Sunday School at Christ the King Lutheran Church since I have moved to Great Falls and I am very pleased with my progress of understanding God’s grace and the Bible. I also have participated in Confirmation for seventh to eighth graders in the morning and night sessions and plan to go to High School Sunday School next year. I have thoroughly enjoyed both Sunday School and Confirmation. In religions this age is common for someone to strengthen further their faith by being an active member of the church community.

I know that once I have been confirmed I am going to have the responsibility to help the community as a member of Christ the King. By community I mean our Church community and our community as a whole. I have a few ideas about what I am going to do which include volunteering at Rebuilding Together and helping set up at church dinners, picnics and functions. I know that by doing this I am not only helping others but I am helping myself to be a better person. I will consider attending Work Camp again or helping at a local camp for kids. Some things I do will be planned in advance but some things may come up in short notice and I will take the opportunity to help. All the work that I may do to help others comes not from me alone, but from God. I have been fortunate to have many possessions and this should further my commitment to assist others in the church ministry. I am hopeful that as a member of Christ the King Lutheran Church that there are various opportunities for to lend a hand to others.

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