Friday, June 22

Confirmation Statement of NG

What does Jesus mean to me?

Jesus gave up his life so we could live. He is a loving person and cares for everyone. He teaches us how to be a better person and forgives us for our sins. The stories we read about him portrays Jesus as a kind, gentle and forgiving person. He is a great role model, he helps comfort us in times of need and gives us a purpose for life on earth.

How have I grown in faith and understanding of God’s grace?

I have grown to better understand how God's grace also makes us better people and helps us in time of need. For example: during difficult situations (hurricanes, earth quakes, 911, etc.) people come together to help and support each other, this is a sign of Gods grace. It can also be something small like helping a sick neighbor by making a meal for their family or helping the elderly with yard work. When I go through rough times I always think of God and ask him to help me.

Why do I wish to affirm my faith in baptism at this time?

I wish to affirm my faith because I now have a better understanding of what it means to be a child of God and a member of the church. I am old enough to understand that baptism and confirmation are ways for me to make a commitment to God and really become one of his children. To accept this responsibility means that I will be a loving, caring person that respects Gods commandments.

How am I and how do I intend to use my gifts, talents and abilities for the ministry of the church?

I will contribute to the church by attending activities where I can help others and give my love. Outside of church I will teach people God’s words using the knowledge I have learned from Christ the King church. For example: being a friend to someone who needs one. Respecting others and not talking about them behind their back. My best gift is too help others reconcile their differences and see the best in each other.

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