Saturday, June 23

Confirmation Statement of RL

I have been told many things about what Jesus has done for me and for the whole world. I know that He gave his life to forgive mine and every one else’s sins. I know that He is the son of my Lord and how my life is to serve Him. But what He means to me is something I feel is very private and is only between me and Jesus. I know that He is my Savior and that I have put all of my faith in Him. I know that He has blessed me with many gifts and that I will spend my whole life serving Him. How I feel about Him is an ever-changing thing - what I feel one year might change the next. I might be needier for Him one time and feel a much stronger bond with Him. But later, I might be in a more comfortable situation and feel less dependant on Him. But no matter how I feel about Him I will always put all my faith in Him. I know that He wants me to be a good Christian and so that’s what I will do. As I said before, what and how I feel about Him is between Him and me alone and no one else, not even my family. So in conclusion, I will tell you that Jesus is above all in my life. He is my world.

In the last few years I have grown in faith because I am now more understanding of God’s grace. I have learned many things about my Lord and things He has done for me and for everyone who has ever lived on this great planet. These last past years we have been doing a lot of learning about God and what He asks of us and now that I am older I can understand God better than when I was little. But many things about Him are unclear to me and probably many other people. But still, He is the one I worship above all else in my life. Throughout my life, I will always try to be the best Christian I can possibly be. In the years before I did not think this was as big of a deal as I realize it is now. Now, because I know the word of God, I know how important it is. And following His word is only one of the few things He asks of us. So in many ways I have grown in faith and am more understanding of God’s grace. But in learning more I have also become more confused and have more questions that maybe someday I will have answers to, but now they will only lead to more questions and more confusion.

There are many reasons why I want to affirm my faith. One reason is because I want to make a promise to God and to myself that I will always be the best Christian that I can. Another reason is because with my affirmation in the church, I will know that I am finally a child under the eyes of God and have fulfilled my mother’s promise which she made to God when I was baptized. I also want to be affirmed in the Christian church because it makes me feel good that I am always going to be watched over by the Lord and that I will always have somewhere to turn to when things are down and when things are up. Confirming my faith has been a moment that I have waited for some time now because it will be nice to join all of my friends in Christian adulthood and know that I am prepared to make this step in my faith. I also wish to affirm my faith because I want to know that there are always people in this world that will help watch over me and are there to keep me safe. So that is why I would like to affirm my faith at this time.

Now that I am confirmed I plan to use my gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the church. I have the gift of good leadership so I would like to try and do my best to maybe form some clubs or something of the sort. I am also very good with my hands and I think I could help a lot on some of the repairs or projects the church needs done. I also think that I would be good at fund raising and generating ideas for the up-coming year. Later on in life I would be good because I could help build houses and serve soups and make sandwiches and whatever else I could do for those less fortunate than me. I would like to have a job that helps others when I get older and I suppose that on my way to that point in life I could help many people that need extra help and attention. I know that I can use many of my God-given skills to help others in need and to better aspects of their life. I’ve thought about ways I know I can help others now, and I imagine there are ways I can help that I don’t know about yet. In the near future I can support and serve the ministry of the church. The skills I have been given can be used in many ways - good and bad - but I chose to use them in only the best ways I can and to help others and to be the best Christian I possibly can be. That is how I intend to use my skills, gifts, talents, and abilities for the ministry of the Church.

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