Friday, April 6

Commitment: Good Friday

Devotion by: Pat White

John 13:36-38

Simon Peter said to him, ‘Lord, where are you going?’ Jesus answered, ‘Where I am going, you cannot follow me now; but you will follow afterwards.’ Peter said to him, ‘Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.’ Jesus answered, ‘Will you lay down your life for me? Very truly, I tell you, before the cock crows, you will have denied me three times.

Have you ever struggled with living up to a commitment? It is easy to commit to things we are comfortable with. It’s when we step outside our comfort zone that we start to encounter unforeseen obstacles that cause us to question our commitment. Maybe that is why some folks struggle with making any commitment? It’s too risky. There are just too many unknowns. However, by making commitments, we learn the ever-important concept of follow through. Follow though is critical when honoring commitments. Yes, follow through is the process of actually doing all the work and managing the details that allow you achieve your goal of commitment. The initial idea is easy. It is the follow through that presents the pitfalls and obstacles we must overcome. That’s when the real commitment starts.

Recently, a medical diagnosis led me to drastically change my diet. I had to seriously reduce my sugar and carbohydrate intake. It seemed like an easy thing to commit to. After all, it’s only food and snacks, right? Try as I might, I encountered so many obstacles to eating a healthy diet that I felt overwhelmed at times. Although the struggle continues, I realized I was creature of habit and needed help changing my eating habits. My dietician at Reston Hospital helped me identify certain obstacles in my old diet. We put a plan in place to overcome those obstacles. Then, I realized that all the planning in the world would not make a difference, if I did not commit to sticking with the plan. I tried but failed. I would take two steps forward and feel good about myself and then slip back one step by eating something I should not have. You know what I’m talking about. It’s willpower. It seemed I did not have the willpower to live up to my commitment. I needed to get serious about taking care of myself. Then, one day at church a fellow member of the congregation advised me that she had heard of my illness and was praying for me, daily. Wow! The compassion of that statement filled me with a renewed since of hope. Now, with the support of my GOD, my church, and my family, I know I have the support I need to live up to this commitment. It’s always easier to achieve, when you are part of a team. Remember, there is no I in TEAM.

So, do you hear a voice calling you in the night? Are you being lead to commit to something that is bigger than you ever imagined? Regardless of what you choose to commit to, ask JESUS to be on your team and he will walk beside you helping you overcome whatever obstacles you encounter.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, grant me the courage of commitment, the strength to follow through, and the wisdom to know that no victory is complete without acknowledging your good works. In your name we pray. Amen.

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