Sunday, March 15

Eyes of Faith

1 Corinthians 1:22-25

Bob Hummel

What is the message of the cross? Indeed, why a cross? And why in Jerusalem? Why two thousand years ago? What was so important that He had to walk among us, and suffer on the cross?

It is hard to understand. Can Paul explain it? Perhaps there is a sign that will give me trust. Or perhaps, if I am smart enough, I can figure it out. After all, God gave us wisdom. He gave us a marvelous world. And we think we are so smart. Most of the time. So if I don’t understand, is it because I am not as wise as God thought I should be? Did I miss something about the message of the cross?

Not all the answers can be based on logic that we comprehend. Not all the signs, nor all the words in the Bible, can give us the strength and power of God. Ultimately, we must believe, because we are like children who are still learning: Learning basic things, but never learning so much as to understand everything. Indeed, if economists can’t understand the economic behavior of humans, how can I know the wisdom of God’s universe?

PRAYER: Lord, we know that Christ died for our sins, so that whoever believes can trust unconditionally in your everlasting love, as conveyed in Your Word, and in Your Son, in whose name we pray. Amen.

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