Monday, April 6

Eyes For Others

Isaiah 42:1-7

Rob Loesch

Upon my first read, I found these paragraphs very disturbing. They can be interpreted in a variety of ways, depending on one’s current circumstances and personal objectives. In good times, the passages can lead one toward humility and compassion. In bad times, they could be a call for us to enforce God’s righteous justice through violence and religious warfare.

Pastor Gysan was kind of enough to provide additional information about the context of Isaiah’s writings, as well as a historical understanding. This passage is considered to be one of the four servant songs in Isaiah. He noted Isaiah 49:1-6, 50:4-9, 52:13-53:12 to fill in the context. Taken all together, I have a better understanding. In paragraph 2 through 7, guidance is being provided on what our personal mission should be, including our behavior toward others. The idea is to not Lord over others, but to act as a servant to one another, helping each other as Jesus helped us on earth and continues to help us from heaven above.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, Please hear the voice of those desiring peace. Please open the minds and souls of those who are blinded by their extreme positions and lead them toward compassion and reconciliation. We pray that all may live free of tyranny and injustice. Amen.

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