Friday, March 12


David Tozer
Today we read how Jesus retold the first and second commandments and attributed greater weight to them than all the other commandments. On hearing this, a scribe reflected how these commandments were more important than the offerings and sacrifices made at the churches of the day. Jesus responded that the scribe’s insight brought him closer to God.
We can liken the “offerings and sacrifices” to the material things which are important in our society today, and which many of us work for and covet. The scribe’s commentary applies as well today as it did in Jesus’ time, and reminds us that none of our material possessions is as important as following God and looking after our fellow man, or neighbor.
We tend to think of “the least of God’s children” as being those in need. We can assist a friend through a difficult time, help someone from our local community who has fallen on hard times, or through an agency support relief efforts in another country. In these and other ways we are following the second commandment, caring for others as we would like to be cared for. Placing that care and love above the material things in our lives, and embracing God and his word, will in turn enrich our lives bring us closer to the kingdom of God.
PRAYER: LORD. Help to understand that the things I possess are nothing when compared to the ability to help others, and that through that help and my devotion to you I will become closer to you.

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