Monday, March 15

Story Time

Mark Spoto

Psalm 30 expresses that joy is not something that is created by “things” here on earth, but is rather a gift from God that we receive when we follow His will for us.  It is easy, when things are going well, to feel like you are on top of the world.  David says “When I felt secure, I said ‘I will never be shaken.’”  When things are going well at work, or you are able to surround yourself with things like a nice house or nice cars, or take vacations to exotic places, it is easy to feel proud, secure in ourselves, sometimes even independent of God.  We have to remember that we don’t create our own joy; God gives us joy, and has the ability to take that joy away when we stray from His path.

One thing that pleases God deeply is when we focus on the love and joy of family, when we share God’s love with our family, and when we emulate His ways to our children.  When we focus on these pure, simple things, God is pleased and blesses our lives with true joy.

The best times that Liz and I have enjoyed with our children have been weekends away, just the four of us.  We head up to a quiet area in western Maryland, where the hustle and bustle doesn’t exist.  We don’t make plans.  We spend the time talking, playing games, reading, making and eating food, or watching a movie.  We often don’t leave the house for 48 hours.  It is a time for us to disengage from all of the distractions, focus on each other, and strengthen our connections.  This is an opportunity for Liz and me to have some meaningful discussions (and some light ones too) with our kids, as well as with each other.  We usually only have time to do this once a year, but we really prioritize this and always feel like these are the best days we have together as a family.  We head home with big smiles on our faces and warmth in our hearts, and thanks to God for bringing us together.

PRAYER:  Dear God, Thank you for the gifts of our families and the joy that we bring to each other.  Amen.

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