Wednesday, February 25

Ash Wednesday

Psalm 51

Pastor Paul Gysan

Do you recall as a child getting caught with your “hand in the cookie jar?” I still have my childhood cookie jar in the shape of a clown, whose head when lifted off grants access to the cookies. Because it’s ceramic, the challenge was to try to get it back on quietly so my parents couldn’t hear. “Paul you can have one cookie” they would say. But having tasted that one delicious cookie I was tempted to take another. I would often get caught by my parents with my “hand in the cookie jar.”

I would try to cover this up through denial and false statements. King David got caught with his “hand in the cookie jar.” Take time to read 2 Samuel 11:1-27. We read about his arrogance, adultery, deception, and murder. He tried to cover it up, but Nathan confronted David (2 Samuel 12:1-14) and David grieved (2 Samuel 12:15-25). Psalm 51 is a prayer of David asking for God’s mercy, and God’s forgiveness.

In vs. 7 we read, “Purge me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than show.” David prayed in vs. 10, “create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” In the midst of this prayer, David felt God’s forgiving grace!

This was certainly a time of introspection for David, as it was for me when I got caught with my “hand in the cookie jar.” At moments like these it’s time for introspection. When do we find ourselves most vulnerable to temptation? Is it when you are by yourself, someplace you shouldn’t be, look at something you shouldn’t, letting your mind consider doing something wrong? And what have you found to be a helpful strategy for resisting temptation? Do you avoid certain people, places, or situations? Do you find a positive diversion? Do you remember God’s standards? Do you pray as soon as it comes?

During this forty day Lenten Season, we will have time to reflect on our own lives. Pray the Lord’s Prayer daily and remember those words, “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” It’s easy to see sin in another, but we need to see sin in ourselves.

Initially I would deny that I had my hand in the cookie jar, but then finally I would admit it to my parents. Like God, they had gracious hearts, and through my confession, granted me forgiveness. I first came to see the love of God in them!

That’s the God whose love we ponder this Lenten Season, who journeyed to the cross and died there to free us from all sin. Own up to your sin, and find in God amazing grace!

PRAYER: Say the Lord’s Prayer. The first time, pray it with the corporate words like we normally pray it. Then change the wording, “My father…give me this day…forgive me my trespasses…lead me not into…deliver me”. Let the Spirit of God speak to you!

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