Tuesday, March 3

Our Father

Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19

LaVonne Gysan

This year the ELCA (of which our church is a member) decided to emphasize more Bible reading and study. Our adult Sunday School study book mentioned various ways of studying the Bible: devotional, historical, literary, Lutheran Way. What caught most of our class off guard was “the Lutheran Way.” What was that?! Simply put, as Lutherans we are to ask “what is Law and what is Gospel? What is condemnation for us and what is grace or forgiveness?” We need to ask, “Where is Jesus in the Scriptures?”

This is how I am going to approach my Lenten assignment. I want to answer the question, “Where is Christ in today’s reading?”

When we stray from the Lord or are living for ourselves, are we really fulfilled, really happy? Verse 8 says, “O taste and see the Lord is good, happy are those who take refuge in Him.” Jesus is always here –we are the ones who stray! When we are in need, Jesus is here for us. Verse 11 states, “when the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles.”

One might say, “God will drop from the sky all the money I need for my financial debts.” Wrong! When we are plugged into the Lord, God will show us what is important in life, how we can problem solve our difficulties, and He keeps us among His family. We do not live problem-free lives, for verse 19 states, “many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord rescues them from them all.” We can live with that promise!

So what is the Lutheran Study of Law and Gospel for our text this day? The Law condemns us when we do not fear the Lord. (I like to define “fear of the Lord” as: reverence, respect, reliance, trust, obedience.) The Gospel is that God loves us, hears us, and walks with us during our trials and joys of life!

PRAYER: Thank you, God, for hearing my prayers. May I always stay close to you and seek your guidance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S . I couldn’t let this day pass without saying “Happy 97th Birthday, Mom!” Thank you and Dad for being such Godly examples in my life.

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