Monday, February 22

With Experience

Julie Wainner

"Who do you say I am?"  This was a question Jesus put to Simon.  Through God’s grace, Simon answered correctly and succinctly - "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." In the year 2010, it seems like an easy question, and one might even wonder why Christ asked Simon such a question. But as you read on, you quickly realize that Jesus had not revealed that information to Simon, which makes Simone’s answer miraculous.  The answer was given to Simon directly from God. No one taught this to Simon. He was inspired through God Almighty. Because of this, Jesus made Simon the Rock of the Church. He was made the foundation.

I think about how I would answer that question should Jesus and I meet face to face. What would I say? I could respond with all of the usual, learned responses, such as, “Lord, you are King, Son of God, Master, Savior, Redeemer, All Powerful and Loving  God”, as well as  many other names that have been taught to me over the years.  As my faith became more apparent to those around me, this question was asked to me by friends, family, Christians, non-Christians, atheists, agonistics, etc. For many years I was afraid and embarrassed to respond, worried that others would ridicule me or put my answers to scientific tests.  Then, one day after arguing and defending my belief in Christ, my eyes were open to the Truth. 
"Who do you say I am?"   My answer was simple:  “Peace.”

Christ’s peace cannot be scientifically proven, or described, or explained to those who have not recognized it. Christ is comfort and warmth that one feels no matter what is going on around them. The times I have felt the most peace was when life was most bitter. Then a miracle would happen…. a new day would dawn and Peace was still with me – Christ was still with me.  Many times we are not aware of His mighty presence, but we feel something that we cannot name.  

This to me is Peace. This is Christ.  I believe that God, like Simon, opened my eyes to this awesome revelation.  It was not something taught, but something learned through time and trials.  The Holy Spirit touched my heart and soul and revealed to me that Christ is the King of Peace.

Life has been good to me, but not perfect. I have traveled over rough roads, but not hopeless roads. I have cried and laughed and hoped, but not until I prayed, did I experience Christ’s peace.   I believe God reveals many aspects of Christ to us without ever being taught or consciously thinking about it, and then one day, we wake up and see what and who Christ is to us.

Through God’s grace and the Holy Spirit, I finally understand the following Scripture reading:

“I am leaving you at peace. I am giving you my own peace. I am not giving it to you as the world gives. So don’t let your hearts be troubled, and don’t be afraid.”

Ask yourself today:  "Who do you say I am?" 

PRAYER: Dear Father, as we travel through life and the trials of the day, let me know your presence through peace that only you can give us. Let me know the difference between happiness and peace. We may not “be happy” with our current situation, but with your love, help and guidance, may we feel the peace that only you can give. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

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