Saturday, February 16

Do You Need to Say AMEN?

>Are these Lenten devotions helping you grow in faith?

>Need to interact with others in this community centered around these daily devotions?

>Care to offer another insight on the daily scripture?

>Feel moved to other another prayer from the community?

>Or perhaps you just want to shout AMEN?

Remember that Christ said, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matthew 18: 20. And, so as we gather, regardless of location and time, He is among us.

So, while shouting Amen to your computer may not satisfy the need - you can always interact with this authentic body of Christ. Simply go to the Christ the King Lutheran Devotions web site and at the bottom of any the daily devotions click on the comments. While you are at the web site, bookmark (or add to My Favorites) the devotions page to return often. When a comment is added, you'll be able to see it by clicking of that same 'comments' at the bottom of each daily devotion.

Your thought, insights, and prayers will then be available for all members of the community to read and appreciate. Althought comments will be emailed to you, to leave a comment, you must go to the web site.

So...can I get an AMEN!

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